
From mentoring and support services for foster youth and veterans to special graduation gatherings and more, our teams are working tirelessly to ensure all students feel welcome and find opportunities to thrive on their academic journeys.
Dear Merced College Colleagues,
This month in the Blue Devil’s Advocate, we turn our attention to two topics that are near and dear to our mission and our values at Merced College. October is Global Diversity Awareness Month, and so we are taking this opportunity to highlight our robust and growing efforts in celebrating diversity and promoting equity and inclusivity. From mentoring and support services for foster youth and veterans to special graduation gatherings to celebrate Black students, LGBTQ+ students and more, our teams are working tirelessly to ensure all students feel welcome and find opportunities to thrive on their academic journeys. Speaking of diversity, we also shine a light in this issue on the first graduates from our new paramedic program, Amanda Rowe and Diego Basulto. Paramedics as a field has struggled with diversity over the years, and so it brings us an even greater sense of pride to know that not only are we educating the future first responders who will care for our local residents, but that we are also contributing to increasing diversity in the field—of our first two graduates, one is female and one is Hispanic. We have also increased diversity in our paramedic program on campus; our newest faculty hire in the program is Kimberly Parker, who you’ll also get to meet in this issue. The other topic on our minds this month is mental health. October is National Depression Education and Awareness Month, and Oct. 10 is World Mental Health Day. This is a critical issue for our students, many of whom are juggling challenging life circumstances while working hard to further their education. The TimelyCare program, which we highlight in this month’s issue, is a huge step toward ensuring all students have access to mental health support. The program provides direct help to students virtually, with an app that is available 24/7, and best of all—it’s completely free to our students. I am so proud of our college for our efforts in diversity and equity, and for the way we care for and support our students not just academically, but personally. Our students are a part of our family at Merced College, and we are and will remain committed to their health and well-being, along with their education. We hope you enjoy this issue, and please join me in celebrating and honoring these programs, departments and individuals who are so devoted to helping our students succeed.

Chris Vitelli, Ed.D. Superintendent/President
“Our students are a part of our family at Merced College, and we are and will remain committed to their health and well-being, along with their education.”