Welcome, Suzanne McGhee
Head Softball Coach, ASMC Advisor
What is your role at Merced College?
I was hired full-time with Merced College under our Athletics and Kinesiology Department as a faculty member and head softball coach. Going into my first year of teaching, I was assigned as an advisor to our student government, Associated Students of Merced College (ASMC). My role allows me to be a coach and mentor to our future leaders.
What part of your job do you enjoy most?
What I enjoy most about working at Merced College is being able to influence young lives. A coach’s role doesn’t stop with teaching the physical skills; we also teach athletes life skills that will help them be successful later in adulthood and in the workforce. Most people think coaches have a fun job—and don’t get me wrong, it provides many enjoyable moments—but coaches tend to spend more time with other people’s children than their own. Our athletes become family. As a coach, you are never off the clock when it comes to them.
Tell us about yourself. What brought you to Merced College?
In the fall of 2002, I came to Merced College to continue my education and to play softball. I had the most memorable moments while playing here, and when Steve Cassady asked me to come back to help coach after my college career had ended, the obvious answer was “Absolutely!” I continued to coach with Cassady the following year, and then he decided to retire from coaching, and that’s when I knew I had to give back to the program. I was a part-time head coach for 10 years, and when a full-time position opened, I applied, interviewed, and was hired.
What do you like to do outside of work?
When I am not teaching or coaching at Merced College, I am coaching my daughter’s travel softball team. Most people look at me like I am crazy, but when you have this much passion for a sport, you can’t help but to give back to the future players. Beyond coaching, I love to spend time with my family. We go hiking, snowboarding, and take trips that will build memories.
Women’s History Month is about celebrating the achievements of women who inspire us. Who is a woman—past or present—who has influenced or inspired you?
As we celebrate Women’s History Month, and I look back to my upbringing, I have been blessed to have been raised around many strong women in my life. I had two loving grandmothers who were always in my life, making sure to support my academic and athletic endeavors. My mother made sure I made it to every event, game or practice, and never complained. So, if I had to answer the question of who inspires me, I would say all of the hard-working moms out there who are doing exactly what my mom did for me. Being a mom and holding a full-time job is no simple task, but here we are, killing it! Kudos to all of my fellow mom taxi’s out there.
What advice would you give to young women who aspire to careers in sports—whether as athletes, coaches, or other roles in athletics?
My advice to young women is this: The only thing that will hold you back from living out your dream is yourself. People will judge you, people will criticize you, and people will make you question your motives, but they only win if you allow them to. Be your own motivator, be your own self-critic, and most importantly, don’t let anyone outwork you. You hold the key to your future.